Frequently asked questions
Where is my data kept?
The data is only kept where you put it yourself (see: How do I
save the changes for others to see?). It is not send to any
other location, so it is completely safe to use.
How can I change/edit the graph?
Type '_edit' in the searchbar (without quotes) to swith to
editmode. Now you can edit the graph in the application or
update via excel
How does editing work in the application?
Left-click on a department and edit the name, description
of type staff in the left screen.
To change the manager, press the pencil and search for the
right person or add a new person
Add people the same way (use the people tab in the left
screen). You can also provide the role the person has in
the department
Right-click on a department in the chart to add a
department below
With right-click you can also move a department: select
Cut, then click on another department and right-click and
select paste. Do not paste a parent under one of its
children (this check has to be build)
How does editing work in excel?
Select File > Export excel. It contains:
chart: id, name, description, parent, indicator for staff
department, and id of the manager (from the people tab)
people: id, name, link to photo (see also config.js
above), and main role/function of the person. There are
also extra fields which you can specify in the config
assignment: department id (from chart tab), person id
(from people tabl) and role. These are the people working
for the department. (manager is assigned in the chart tab)
People can be assigned to multiple departments, or even
more times to 1 department (with different role for
When done, select File > Import excel
How do I save the changes for others to see?
Everything happens at client side, so changes are only
available for you. And if you refresh the page the changes
will be gone. To make the changes persistent you must select
File > Generate inputfile to create a javascript file which
contains the data. This file (data.js) you then must place in
the root folder this application is at, replacing the already
existing file data.js
Who can edit the graph?
Anyone can edit, but as stated above, it will be only
available for that person. To make the data available for
others, you need write access to the folder this application
is at, so you can overwrite the data.js file
How do I change the order of the departments under a parent?
This is not directly supported. There are 2 possibilities
however. First switch to editmode. 1) export to excel, then
change the order in the sheet, and then read the excel in
again 2) cut the department, and paste it under the same
parent again. It will be placed last.
How can I customize the application?
In editmode select File > Configure options. Change the
settings and press "Generate config". Save the generated file,
replacing the config.js in the root folder. You can restore
the original config by copying the config_default.js over the
config.js in the root folder
The names in the department boxes do not fit....
See step above. Change under 'Department boxes' the 'Box
width' and 'Box height'
How can I customize the fields of a person?
You can do that in File > Configure options, see previous
question. These fields are then also added if you export in
excel, they start with "field_"
How can I use a different languate?
There are a few fields you can change the name of. You can
change them in the file "translate.js"
How can I use this in my own code?
This is not meant to be a plugin/library, but it is a complete
solution. If you want to use this as a part of your own
application I recommend to search for a real orgchart plugin.